SGTT - LOTO Awareness Training (Gamesa Technology) (SE-P-50566)


The overall purpose of this course is to provide the delegates with basic knowledge of LOTO/LOTOT based on Gamesa Energy Isolation Procedures as well as providing basic skills in applying them. The training serves to enable safe and competent work in an environment under LOTO/LOTOT and as a base for further competency development and actual authorization to perform LOTO. An introduction to switchgears on Gamesa turbines is given and the process and authorization required to de-energize and re-energize them is explained.


Upon completion of the course the delegate are able to:
Remember the three types of LOTO: electrical, mechanical and hydraulic
Know of the Gamesa policies and procedures for applying LOTO
  • - IHS-1-008 EN Electrical Risk
  • - PHS-1-006 EN Operational Control in H&S
  • - PHS 1-006 R04 EN Permit for work with special risk
Know the three basic roles and their responsibilities and authorizations
Value the importance of correctly applied LOTO and the authorization process required to perform it
Know how to apply LOTO task descriptions and the 5 golden rules on electrical, mechanical and hydraulic parts, including identifying the necessary authorization, PPE, equipment and documentation
Recall the function and purpose of switchgears including how it is de-energized, re-energized and earthed as well as who is authorized to perform it
Upon completion of the course the delegates have obtained the following competencies:
Know how to apply Gamesa LOTO task descriptions and the 5 golden rules on electrical, mechanical and hydraulic parts, including identifying the necessary authorization, PPE, equipment and documentation


Welcome and introduction
Gamesa policies and procedures
LOTO / LOTOT Demonstration
Practical LOTO tasks on electrical parts
Practical LOTO tasks on mechanical parts
Practical LOTO tasks on hydraulic parts
Basic switch gear introduction and safety
Summary and evaluation

Who should attend?

The course is intended for Siemens Gamesa employees, customers and 3rd parties scheduled to work in L-G environment where Lock Out Tag Out is applied


Read and understand English.
SE-P-50510 SGTT - General Technical Safety Awareness eLearning OR SE-P 07900 Technical Safety Training
Due to the nature of the content and the learning purpose it is recommended that the participant has the competence acquired on the following training modules, prior to course commencement.
SE-P-50526 SGTT - SEFE & GOT training
SE-P-50560 SGTT - LOTO Awareness eLearning
SE-P-50410 GWO Basic Mechanical
SE-P-50430 GWO BTT Hydraulic AND SE-P-50420 GWO BTT Electrical OR SE-P-06000 SWP Basic Turbine Electricity And Hydraulics


No expiry
  • - For getting access to SEFE please follow the guide in the below link:
Explore IT - SEFE DS – How to install and authenticate (

Course duration

120  minutes



Export control

AL-Number: N

Course dates

The following dates are available
Location Date Free Seats Lang.    
Training Center India Indore
North West zone Training centre,
Agra National Hwy, Labour Colony, Lohar Pipalya,
455001 Madhya Pradesh, India
Madhya Pradesh
09.Feb 2025, 07:00 - 09.Feb 2025, 09:00


Book on waitinglist        

Contact person:

Global Training Customer Engagement


Global Training Customer Engagement
No: 489, GNT road, Thandal Kazhani Village,
Vadagarai Post, Redhills,
600052 CHENNAI