TMSE Competent Person Installation - Generic (SE-P-02560)


The aim of this course is to qualify the participant to be a Competent Person for installation, component replacement and repair of ladder systems, vertical fall arrest systems and certified anchor points for personal fall protection in SGRE as part of Turbine Mounted Safety Equipment (TMSE) according to regionally recognized standards, national legal requirements, and SGRE and supplier/manufacturer documentation. This includes SGRE WTG, other OEM WTG under SGRE service, and SGRE production, assembly and training facilities.


  • - International Safety Standards
  • - Manufacturers’ manuals and/or Siemens work instructions (ZWI) related to anchor points installation and inspection
  • - Install (fit and replace) and inspect SGRE TMSE anchor points, conducted by the use and conformance of the current matching L-Siemens Wind Turbine Documentation (WTD); Work instruction (ZWI) and inspection checklist (ZCH)
  • - Use washers and mechanical (non-electrical) torque wrenches correctly in accordance with safety and technical instructions in SGRE manuals
Upon completion of the course the participant must be able to
  • - Independently in familiar and unfamiliar situations in BU ON, OF and SE prepare and perform installation, component replacement and repair of unspecified; ladder systems, rail & wire rope vertical fall arrest systems, and certified anchor points for personal fall protection, as part of Turbine Mounted Safety Equipment (TMSE) in SGRE WTG, other OEM WTG under SGRE service, and in production, assembly and training facilities - according to relevant regionally recognized standards, national legal requirements, and SGRE and supplier/manufacturer documentation specifications


Theory / Practice
20% / 80%

Who should attend?

The course is intended for personnel who have to perform installation, component replacement, dismantlement or repair work of the TMSE systems/components used


  • - Valid GWO Working at Height qualification Valid SE-P-86010 TMSE International Safety Standards qualification Valid SE-P-86110 TMSE Ladder systems and Vertical fall arrest systems - Inspection qualification Valid SE-P-86490 TMSE Anchor points - Inspection qualification
Highly Recommended Prerequisites
  • - To pass the course, participants will need to be able to read, understand and speak English and technically English. If this is not the case, please contact your local Training Center. Local relevant wind turbine related work experience
Requirements for remote virtual delivery
  • - Physical location: Appropriate lighting conditions at the virtual media location A sun glare free environment (free from sun reflection on screen) A calm and noise free environment
  • - Hardware, software and system requirements: - Valid device: Computer with internet and audio/video connection capability and computer system, hardware and software requirements as per below. - Invalid devices: Mobil devices and tablets. Valid camera and camera setup requirements (unless delivered by the Training Center as per course joining instructions): External webcam with tripod mount and auto focus (Logitech C922 Pro recommended) Webcam minimum cable length (with extension): 3.5 meters Tripod for external webcam, allowing a minimum camera mounting height of 150 cm Invalid cameras: Laptop built-in cameras. Headset i.e. headphone with external microphone, wireless (unless delivered by the Training Center as per course joining instructions). Course joining instructions will state if an external speakerphone is permitted as alternative to headset. MS Teams or other online meeting software as per Training Center joining instructions Screen Resolution: 1024:768 pixel or more Internet connection: 4Mbps broadband connection (or equivalent)

System requirements needed to run e-learning courses:
Operating System: Windows XP, Vista, 7, 8, 10
Processor: Dual Core 2 GHz
Hard Disk: 1GB of free disk space
Sound Card and Speakers (or headphones)
Graphics processor: Intel HD3000 or better
Screen Resolution: 1024 x 768 pixel (24 Bit) or 1920 x 1080 pixel
Internet Connection: 4Mbps Broadband connection (or equivalent)*
Internet Browser: Internet Explorer 10+, Firefox 25+, Chrome 30+, Edge
Internet Browser Requirements:
  • - Adobe Flash Player 12 or above**
  • - JavaScript enabled
  • - Pop-ups enabled
  • - Cookies enabled



24 Months

Course duration

2  days



Export control

AL-Number: N

Course dates

The following dates are available
Location Date Free Seats Lang.    
Tianjin Hi-Tech Industry Park Tianjin
No.8, the 4th Haitai Chuangxin Road
Huayuan Industry Development Area,
300384 Tianjin, China
23.Sep 2024 - 24.Sep 2024


Book on waitinglist        

Contact person:

Global Training Customer Engagement
Phone:  +86  2223907838


Global Training Customer Engagement
No.8th, the 4th Haitai Chuangxin Road Huayuan Indu
300384 TIANJIN
Phone:  +86  2223907838