Maintenance, Commissioning and Troubleshooter

  No. Type Title   Price  
SE-P-09840 Technical Product Training Basic (TPT - B)    
SE-P-09842 Technical Product Training Core (TPT - C)    
SE-P-09844 Technical Product Training Siemens Geared Platform (TPT SG Platform)    
SE-P-09852 TPT LOTO Training Family 9    
SE-P-09856 TPT LOTO Training Family 6    
SE-P-09900 Commissioning and Troubleshooting Core Course    
SE-P-09910 Commissioning and Troubleshooting Platform Gamesa Technology    
SE-P-09920 Commissioning and Troubleshooting Gamesa Controller Course    
SE-P-09942 Commissioning and Troubleshooting DAC Converter training    
SE-P-12100 Wind Power Module    
SE-P-22100 Competent Assessor Course    
SE-P-22110 Competent Assessor Upload and Assessment