Basic Technical (Incl GWO BTT)

  No. Type Title   Price  
SE-P-09811 GAMESA Product Familiarization    
SE-P-49410 SGRE Mechanical    
SE-P-49412 SGRE BTT Mechanical with SGTT Hand Tools & Bolt Tightening    
SE-P-49420 SGRE Electrical    
SE-P-49430 SGRE Hydraulic    
SE-P-50535 SGTT - Bolt Tightening Training    
SE-P-50545 SGTT - Gearbox Inspection and Oil Sampling    
SE-P-50555 SGTT - Hand Tool Training    
SE-P-50565 SGTT - LOTO Awareness Training (Siemens & Senvion Technology)    
SE-P-50566 SGTT - LOTO Awareness Training (Gamesa Technology)